Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologist and psychotherapist who began his research in the 1920s. Jung was one of the first psychologists to define introverts and extraverts in a psychological context. He theorised that introverts interpret the world subjectively whereas extraverts interpret the world objectively. Modern-day understanding of these personality types differs from Jung’s original theory although the behavioural traits of each type are relatively similar.
An extravert is more likely to:
• Be action oriented
• Seek breadth of knowledge
• Prefer frequent interaction
• Recharge by spending time with people
An introvert is likely to:
• Be thought oriented
• Seek depth of knowledge
• Prefer substantial interaction
• Recharge by spending time alone
Personality type can affect not only the way the creator creates his message, but also how the recipient interprets the same message. When communicating with stakeholders it is important to strike a balance between the two distinct personality types in order to deliver a meaningful and effective message to a wider audience.