The final step in the journey is to evaluate the Communication for Effectiveness. Questions to ask include:
- Did the communication reach the intended audience? Were any groups of recipients missed?
- Was the target audience the right audience? Could it have been different?
- For electronic marketing, did the click-through rate meet expectations?
- Did the audience interpret the message as intended? How do we know?
- Was the method of communication appropriate?
- Would a different method work just as well, or better?
- Was the audience able to feedback? If so, what has been learnt from the feedback?
- Was the key objective achieved? i.e. Was compliance achieved? Did sales increase?
- Was the communication timely? Did it get lost amidst a busy time of year? Did the campaign continue for long enough to reach the target audience?
- Did the communication happen on-budget? If not, why not?
- Did the message fit with the organisation’s mission, values, goals and strategy?
- Did the communication address a specific business risk or opportunity? If not, should it have?
- Are the employees engaged with the communication? How do we know?