An important indicator within any organization is to measure and monitor Customer Satisfaction.
It is of course right to respond to Customer Complaints and to take appropriate action, but this is essentially a “reactive” approach – the problem or concern has already happened! Clearly we need to be more “proactive” in our approach.
Some facts from a Royal Mail survey…
So – this means that customer complaints are probably just the “tip of the iceberg” – we need to be more proactive in finding out what our customers think of us!
The ISO9001:2015 Standard puts it this way:
“The organization shall monitor customers’ perceptions of the degree to which their needs and expectations have been fulfilled. The organisation shall determine the method for obtaining, monitoring and reviewing this information.”
In other words … what do our customers think of us?
Possible sources of information include:
The key point is to obtain feedback from our Customers!
Designing a Customer Survey
Some key points: