The elements of the communication process are as follows:
Sender – the person who wishes to communicate the message
Encoding – the sender decides the format in which the message will be delivered, eg oral (verbal), written, visual
Medium – the chosen method by which the sender will transmit the message
Oral Approach:
• face – to face meetings
• telephone
• video-conferencing
Written Approach:
• e-mail
• formal letter
• memo
• written report
Visual Approach (“a picture paints a thousand words”):
• signs
• posters
• display/notice boards
For effective communication often a combination of methods is used, for example in training situations.
Receiver – the recipient(s) of the communication
Decoding – analysing and correctly interpreting the message. Clearly the content and medium chosen for a communication has to reflect the capability of the receiver – for example, there is no point in using technical jargon if the receiver is not capable of understanding it.
To be a successful communicator you should consider these factors before sending your message.
Feedback – the mechanism by which the receive can respond to the received message. Good communication should involve a process of checking that the message has not only been received but understood
Effective communication should be a two- way process!